Our Christmas Prayer
Learn a lesson this Christmas season
In this joyous Advent season, as we await the memorial of the birth of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, we received in great sorrow the news of the miscarriage of Jim and Michelle Duggar’s 20th child.
There was great joy in the hearts of the Duggars when they conceived their baby in love.
Sharing each other in body and soul
Comes a child
Flesh of our flesh
Soul of light divine
Children are our source of light and warmth
A symbol of our life and love together.
Spiritually blind people actually were angry with the Duggars for “having another baby.” These pragmatic secular humanists argued that it put both mother and baby in danger to have so many children. From a utilitarian perspective this would seem very reasonable. However, in their blind error, they have lost sight of the fact that this precious child has an immortal soul, which will shine forever throughout eternity. “Each of us is the result of a thought of God. Each of us is willed, each of us is loved, each of us is necessary.”
Many in our society have developed a hostile attitude toward large families, and toward the handicapped and marginalized. Nearly 95 percent of the Down syndrome babies in America are murdered by abortion. Women older than 35 years of age are encouraged to check to see whether their child in the womb has any defects, and to abort their child if they do. Yet I do not know any human beings more loving and precious than those who are handicapped or have Down syndrome. These marvelous souls have a magnanimous spirit because “they are not oppressed by the thirst for success.”
Like the citizens of Bethlehem and the surrounding region, the intelligent, responsible people had no room in their hearts or in their homes for the Holy Family. Only the poor, ignorant shepherds saw God’s power and wisdom in the poor babe lying in the manger.
Let us all learn this holy Christmas that the purpose of our lives and prayer is “not to obtain what we desire, but to find and accept what God desires.”
Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam,
Richard Mahoney