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Veteran's Day

On November 11, 2010, we celebrated Veteran's Day in honor of those who served in the Armed Forces, and we prayed for those who are currently serving in the military. Many television and radio programs that aired on Veteran's Day discussed the number of our troops who are coming back from Afghanistan and Iraq with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). As former presidential candidate Senator John Kerry said, “It is hard to die for one's country but many times, it is much harder to kill for one's country.” There is one who understands what these soldiers have suffered: the Immaculate Virgin Mary, who suffered with Christ at the foot of the Cross. While I know many who died in “just wars” to give us freedom of religion and worship, we must acknowledge what Our Lady of Fatima said, “War is a punishment for sin,” an abyss into which men march because they refuse to obey the sovereign God's command to reverence the sanctity of all human life.

In this editorial, I wish to also acknowledge those soldiers who suffer PTSD for fighting the most deadly war in history which has claimed more lives than all other wars put together. Worldwide, this war has been raging for nearly a century and in the US for the last 37 years. It is the war against abortion (the murder of innocent babies in their mother's womb). Sadly to say, I have seen the family members of many of these soldiers who have abandoned them when they showed symptoms of PTSD. Yet these courageous warriors have fought this reign of terror for nearly 40 years and have seen millions of babies being murdered, thrown into dumpsters, ground up in garbage disposals and taken off as trash in biohazardous waste trucks. It is time for the Church to honor these Veterans and give them their support. We must also acknowledge our sin of not adequately condemning the holocaust in our midst and of not excommunicating those who publicly support this carnage. Again, we thank God for the lives of all holy men and women who have given up their lives to protect, honor and serve God's children!

Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam

Richard Mahoney (225-926-8920)

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