Christmas 2007
While checking out my groceries at a local market, the cashier wished me, "Happy Holiday." I retorted, "May you have a holy and blessed Christmas, and may our Lord Jesus Christ give you His Peace." All history and time is marked and centered around the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ (Anno Domini). Yet the greatest day in human history is the Incarnation of our Lord. "And the Word was made flesh and dwelt among us," (John 1:14) begotten of the Father and conceived by the Holy Spirit in time.
When announced, the baby John the Baptist lept in the womb for joy (Baby, not embryo or fetus). (Luke 39: 40) The world is anticipating the birth of our Lord with joy amidst the constant backdrop of death.
On this joyful Advent Season, I'm reminded of a little old Haitian lady who used to rock on the front porch of her shack in Miami Florida. She was always full of joy and a comforting word. Her neighbor was a grumpy old man who constantly complained of all that was wrong with the world without doing a thing to change it. She quietly and calmly only spoke of the goodness of God to him. He retorted one day, "You would probably have something good to say even about the devil." She thought for a moment, and exclaimed, "Yeah, he sure aint lazy!"
Have a holy and blessed Christmas and follow the words of Mother Teresa, "It is better to light a candle than to curse the darkness."
And the Light shineth in the darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend it. That was the true light, which enlighteneth every man that cometh into this world.
John 1:4 - 1:9.
God bless.
Richard Mahoney
Respiratory Therapist